Network value estimation solution

Our Ready Network Analytics solution expands the functionality of a network information system into an easy-to-use and informative network value calculation. Using the Power BI reporting tool, you can filter and analyze versatilely e.g. the following information:
- Real-time and automatically updated component-level network value
- Repurchase and current use value
- Quantities and age information
- Illustrating the changes that took place in the network and presenting the value changes
- Historization of components removed from the network information system
- Forecasts of future compensation investments
- Provides information for the calculation of the permitted yield (in the calculation of the value of the electricity network)
We deliver a solution for calculating the value of the electricity network, district heating network and water network.
Interested? Contact us!
Up-to-date information on the value of the network and the amount of the restructuring debt - manual data processing time is significantly reduced
Changes in the composition of the network are observed
The quality of information improves considerably
Ability to look at information from many perspectives and in relation to areas