Interested to become a business information consultant?

Are you interested in varied customer projects, learning new technology and about solving different business information needs with the help of data? The role of a consultant could be suitable for you if you recognize the above in yourself mentioned features.

In this publication we cover what it's like to work as a consultant and what Ready Solutions Oy is like as a company.

We will be publishing articles related to this topic on different channels, follow us for example on LinkedIn and you will find out the latest news!

Solving the business information challenges of customers

For consulting it is typical that the consultant solves problems and is not selling specific products that he believes will bring benefits to the customer. Realism, of course is that all consultants have different strengths and it is not possible to be the strongest expert in all areas. A big enough team and extensive know-how from different areas certainly enables the company to take on bigger projects implementation.

In consulting, the length of customer relationships is usually calculated in years, and looking at the benefits and costs of just one delivery is very short-sighted.

Your background

Consultants come with a variety of backgrounds, someone may be a computer science graduate and another economist or physicist. The most important areas of expertise are sufficient technical knowledge and the ability to communicate, one of the key requirements is that a person knows how to transfer the customer's needs into technical proposals and solutions.

We believe that the consultants at Ready have the ability and desire to learn more, we support this by giving them the opportunity to study and complete various courses and certificates. These increase the competence of both the consultants and the company that produces these services.

Tools and work location

With us you can freely choose your work tools, however we use Microsoft's O365 products as software and we mainly work with Microsoft technologies. We especially value expertise related to Azure services when we make recruitment decisions. Other important areas of competence are Power BI, SQL, SQL Server and Python or C#.

Our office in Helsinki is located in Ruoholahti very close to transport links and there is a lot nearby different lunch places.

For the most part, you are free to choose where you work, although consulting may require some traveling and/or working at customers' premises.


Ready Solutions Oy on matalan hierarkian organisaatio, konsulttimme raportoivat suoraan toimitusjohtajalle. Konsultin nimikkeemme kuvaavat pikemminkin kokemusta kuin asemaa organisaatiossa suhteessa toisiin konsultteihin.

Junior Consultant on tyypillisesti vastavalmistunut tai alaa vaihtanut, tässä roolissa opiskellaan sekä tehdään töitä kokeneempien kollegojen ohjauksessa.

Consultant - roolissa sinulla on jo kokemusta konsultoinnista tai muuten riittävän vahvaa teknistä osaamista esimerkiksi kehittäjän taustalla. Consultant - roolissa työskentelet itsenäisesti yhdessä muiden konsulttiemme kanssa.

Senior Consultant - roolissa sinulla on jo pidempää kokemusta konsultoinnista, pystyt itsenäisesti asiakastyöhön sekä vetämään projekteja. Certified Scrum Master tai Product Owner osaaminen olisivat hyödyllisiä Senior Consultant – roolissa.  

Principal Consultant eli johtava konsultti on jonkun palvelualueemme, esimerkiksi energiatoimialan, sisällön johtava asiantuntija. Principal Consultant vastaa siitä, että yhtiöllämme on hänen vastuualueellaan riittävä osaaminen sekä voimavarat palveluiden tuottamiseen. Johtavan konsultin rooliin tarvitaan pitkä työkokemus konsultoinnista tai joltain toimialalta yhdistettynä tekniseen osaamiseen.

Näiden lisäksi meillä on asiakasvastaavan konsultin sekä osakkaan (partnerin) roolit. Asiakasvastaava konsultti hoitaa nimettyyn asiakkuuteen liittyvän työn organisoinnin sekä asiakkaan tarpeiden kartoituksen. Asiakasvastaavan konsultin roolin voi ajatella yhdistävän perinteisemmän IT – yrityksen avainasiakaspäällikön sekä palvelupäällikön rooleja. Partneri on puolestaan Ready Solutions Oy:n osakas, meillä kaikki osakkaat työskentelevät yrityksen hyväksi.

Ready Solutions Oy is a low-hierarchy organization, our consultants report directly to the CEO. Our consultant titles describe experience rather than position in the organization in relation to other consultants.

Junior Consultant is typically a recent graduate or has changed fields, in this role we study and work under the guidance of more experienced colleagues.

Consultant - in the role, you already have experience in consulting or otherwise sufficiently strong technical expertise, for example, in the background of a developer. In the role of Consultant you work independently together with our other consultants.

Senior Consultant - in the role you already have longer experience in consulting, you can independently for customer work and to lead projects. Certified Scrum Master or Product Owner skills would be useful in the Senior Consultant role.  

Principal Consultant, i.e. a leading consultant, is one of our service areas, for example a leading expert in the manufacturing or energy industry, content. The Principal Consultant is responsible for ensuring that our company has sufficient expertise in his area of ​​responsibility and resources for providing services. The role of a leading consultant requires a long personal work experience in consulting or some industry combined with technical know-how.

In addition to these, we have an add-on role of customer responsible consultant. The consultant in charge of the client manages the organization of the work related to the named client and the mapping of the client's needs. The role of a customer responsible consultant can be thought of as combining the roles of a more traditional IT company's key customer manager and service manager.

Be in touch!

If you got interested, we would like to hear about you, send a mail:

More current publications:

Ready Solutions Is Growing
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D365 Finance + Power App = automated finance reporting
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Predictive analytics – what is the benefit for business?
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HR-analytics – absences
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Data Platform: replication and integration as a service
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More current publications:

Ready Solutions Is Growing
Read the story:
D365 Finance + Power App = automated finance reporting
Read the story:
Predictive analytics – what is the benefit for business?
Read the story:
HR-analytics – absences
Read the story:
Data Platform: replication and integration as a service
Read the story: