Data Platform ja Data Analytics

Azure data platform palvelut

What does Microsoft Data Platform and Data Analytics offer, let's have a look.

Services for data storage, processing and information production

Microsoft has a very strong offering in terms of various data services and we believe that our customers will benefit from their wider adoption. In addition, the utilization of new services can take place in many cases without having to build applications completely from scratch.

Azure Blob Storage offers a flexible data storage solution, Table Storage NoSQL features, and yet Azure SQL Database and CosmosDB enable event management, among other services. Of course, the use of IaaS-style virtual machines and the use of your own database license are also possible.

New possibilities of application development

This creates new opportunities for application development, although many things, such as application data security, are still the responsibility of application developers.

Infrastructure-related restrictions are now easier to overcome, and on the other hand, it is possible to try out new services and their usability to help your own business.

The terms "Polyglot Persistence" and "Polyglot Programming" describe a new world where an application entity can have many parts, and the different parts make use of components that, according to their nature, are the best for their task.

Due to these developments, it makes the most sense to discuss the business services offered by the applications and no longer the limitations of the infrastructure required by the organization's business operation.

Let's be in touch!

If you want to discuss the matter and ask how we could help with your data utilization, please contact our sales:

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More current publications:

Ready Solutions Is Growing
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D365 Finance + Power App = automated finance reporting
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Predictive analytics – what is the benefit for business?
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HR-analytics – absences
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Data Platform: replication and integration as a service
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